Embedded World 2021 - Digital - Meet us!

Dieses Jahr findet die Embedded World 2021 digital statt - und Sequality ist auch diesmal wieder mit dabei: Am 3. März 2021 hostet CEO Stefan Larndorfer einen Roundtable zum Thema HTML5 vs Qt - Full Stacks in Comparision. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre rege Teilnahme!

Update from Stefan Larndorfer:

Hello! I look forward to seeing you at the digital Embedded World 2021. This year, I will moderate an open roundtable (Many thanks to The Qt Company  for setting it up!). Everybody is welcome to join and I look forward to an open and interesting discussion.

Here is the abstract of my roundtable:

  • HTML5 and Qt are both terrific technologies, and choosing which one to use in your next project can be challenging. Comparing Qt, a full-stack development framework, and HTML5, a standard for a modern implementation of an HTML application in a browser, is like comparing apples and oranges. In this roundtable, we will try to find common ground and discuss the overall challenges of picking one of these technologies over the other.
  • Also see my blog post for more information: https://www.sequality.at/blog/2019/html5-vs-qt-full-software-stacks/

How to access my roundtable:

  • Log into the Embedded World conference platform and search for „html5“ in the search bar. My roundtable discussion will appear at the top.

See you soon at the Embedded World 2021! 🙂

Stefan Larndorfer